林氏感冒茶 服务人民健康

来源:中国健康报道作者:时间:2021-02-04 12:01:48


  林于慧, 高级全科中医师、流行病学主任医师、中医学教授、中国科学家协会会员、香港科学院医学顾问、国际中西医药业协会客座教授、中国管理科学研究院商学院中医药客座教授,中国管理科学研究院中医药产业研究中心研究员、北京林于慧国际医药研究院院长。

  林于慧教授在中西医结合治疗凝难杂症成效突出,其内科、外科及中西医结合方面理论功底深厚,临床经验丰富:尤其“小切口阑尾切除术”、 “胃肠单层吻合术”、“针麻原理辩证探讨”,“肾周围性肾功能衰竭诊治”、“巨大肝癌切除术”、“显微输卵管吻合术”、“中西医结合治疗顽固性头痛”,中西医结合治疗急腹症、蛇伤、针麻三项科研成果获省卫生厅集体荣誉奖,尤其在不孕不育症的诊治及老年性慢性疾病的防治方面有突破性进展。







  组成:荆芥   紫苏   甘草

  中医认为,感冒是外邪侵袭人体而致,外邪又以风邪为主。在气候反常、冷热失调、人体卫气不固时,风邪乘虚而入,导致伤风感冒。正如《素问·大阴阳明论》所云:“伤于风者上先受之”。肺为脏腑之华盖,其位最高,开窍于鼻,外主皮毛;故外邪之入侵,肺卫首当其冲,使肺卫功能失调,营卫不和,肺失宣肃; 所以中医在伤风感冒的预防防和治疗上均以解表疏散、理气和营为主。

  Mechanism of action of Lin's cold tea

  Composition: nepeta Perilla licorice

  Chinese medicine believes that cold is caused by the invasion of the body by external evil, which is mainly caused by wind evil. When the weather is abnormal, cold and hot maladjustment, human body defends gas not solid, wind evil takes advantage of a gap and enters, bring about cold and cold. Just as "plain question · great yin-yang Ming theory" said: "hurt in the wind first". The lung is the canopy of the viscera, the highest position, opening in the nose, outer main fur; Therefore, the invasion of external evil, the first lung wei, lung wei dysfunction, camp wei discord, lung xuansu; So Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of colds and colds are to release the form of evacuation, qi and camp.

  一般情况下,感冒分为普通感冒、流行性感冒和重症感冒三种。普通感冒为内毒型感冒,由鼻病毒引起,以寒邪为主;流行性感冒为外毒型感冒 ,又称时疫,以风邪为主;重症感冒为混合型感冒,多为风寒二邪同时存在,或风重或寒重。  总之,感冒归根结底都是风寒二邪侵袭的结果。其侵袭作用的特点是:病位于肺卫,自上而下,自表至里。Generally, the common cold is divided into the common cold, influenza and severe cold three. The common cold is an endotoxic cold, caused by rhinoviruses, mainly cold pathogenic factors; Influenza for the influenza virus, also known as the epidemic, mainly to wind evil; Severe cold is a mixture of cold, more than two evil at the same time, or wind or cold heavy. In short, cold in the final analysis is the result of two evil attack. The characteristics of its invasion are: the disease is located in the lung, from the top down, from the surface to the inside.


  Linshi cold tea in the flavor of nepeta tepid, with the release of the surface of the wind, benefit the throat, clear the effect of the head; Perilla thaliana taste tepid for the release of cold, qi and camp medicine; With licorice tonic temper, detoxification expectorant and mixed medicine, to achieve the effects of evacuation, qi and camp. Lin's cold tea after taking 30 minutes to an hour, can appear the whole body slightly hot, slightly sweaty, thereby enhancing the circulation in the body, improve immunity.

  研究证明,方中的荆芥、紫苏二药均含植物精气,饮用吸收后可促进体内循环和腺体的分泌,激活提高淋巴、白细胞、酶等免疫因子的活性和功能;在促进体内循环微微出汗的过程中,可张开人体皮肤毛孔达20纳米以上(此是病毒直径的4至5倍),可使病毒轻易地通过汗液排出体外,减少病毒在体内的数量; 另一方面,通过免疫力的提高,增强体内的“杀毒”内耗,,达到减轻和治愈感冒的目的。

  Studies have shown that the two drugs of herba nepeta and Perilla contain plant essence, which can promote the circulation and secretion of glands in the body after being absorbed by drinking, and activate and improve the activity and function of immune factors such as lymphatic, leukocyte and enzyme. In the process that promotes circulatory inside the body to perspiring slightly, can open human body skin pore to reach 20 nanometer above (this is 4 to 5 times of virus diameter), can make virus eduction through sweat body easily, reduce the number of virus inside body; On the other hand, through the enhancement of immunity, enhance the "anti-virus" internal consumption, to reduce and cure the cold.、









  The therapeutic effect of ,the Chinese herbal medicine recipe, on hepartitis B virus(HBV)is magical by means of comparison of HBV DNA detection before and after treatment,shich is a example of traditional Chinaese medicine utilization modern technology.




  • 中医师